Review of Bee Movie

Bee Movie (2007)
Bee Flat
11 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a mediocre and uninspired script packaged in cutesy computer animated figures (soon headed for your nearest toy store shelves). This film is an easily forgettable loser in trying to entertain children.

It doesn't entertain adults much either because it lacks the playfully devilish double entendre humor you find in animated cartoons like "Shrek" or "The Simspons Movie."

The only side-splitting humor is in a mosquito character voiced by Chris Rock - and that lasts just a few precious screen minutes. He would have made a great sidekick to the Seinfeld bee character, but alas, I guess Jerry didn't want to be upstaged by another comedian.

Instead, Bee Movie is low-calorie on energy, excitement, slapstick and the tickle-your-funnybone fun-loving momentum that propelled classic animated cartoons like "Cars," "Toy Story," "Robots," and "Over the Hedge."

The laughs are few and far between. I watched this in a theater with lots of families and I can count on one hand the number of times children giggled with delight.

So, this movie met my worst apprehension: a television sitcom comic tries to make a children's cartoon with a lot of clever dialog but little action.

For example, the parody on using outside personalities like CNN's Larry King,the rock star Sting, and Ray Liotta is completely lost on young viewers (but it did guarantee a promotional spot for Jerry Seinfeld on the real Larry King Live broadcast).

Also, I can't think of anything more boring in a children's film than having courtroom scenes, of all things. The worst and scariest bad guy the cartoon has to offer is a lawyer in a three-piece suit. Nyuk! nyuk! yet *another* lawyer caricature.

Bee Movie tries to work in a gratuitous environmentalism statement in the final 15 minutes. But by the time that rolls in you've already looked at your watch a few times wondering where you parked the car.

There's nothing honey sweet about this film, it's purely Saccharine: no nutritional value and bad aftertaste.
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