Worth seeing only for Humphrey Bogart
11 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The film begins with priest, Humphrey Bogart, trekking through the wilds of China until he arrives at a mission eagerly awaiting him. It seems the mission in pre-revolution China has been without a priest for some time and the people are ecstatic to see him.

Now if you are thinking to yourself that there's no way Bogart seems like a priest, then you are much more astute than the Chinese and you have guessed the plot. It seems that Bogey is NOT a priest but is posing as one in order to escape the clutches of a Chinese warlord (played ridiculously by Lee J. Cobb who seems more like Mr. Clean than a Chinese person).

While the whole plot is pretty silly and the film is a very light-weight drama, it IS still worth seeing. Why? Well, in a word "Bogart". Even with silly fluff like this, his presence makes the film watchable and even quite entertaining--provided you don't think too much about the silly plot or Cobb's Brooklyn accent!
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