Not bad ... but not all that good either ...
26 December 2007
I saw this movie today and admit I went with high expectations - which were generally disappointed. Still, it's a good geopolitical flick, full of action, humor, and sex.

Think of James Bond Goes to the US Congress and you'll get the basic flavor. Not bad ... but frankly, not all that good, either. I myself made the mistake of approaching this movie with overarching expectations based on the cast, and on the movie's capture of an amazing 5 Golden Globe nominations.

However, from my angle, the movie turned out to be an OK flick. OK, but a movie that doesn't deserve to be burdened with expectations that it just can't fulfill.

The storyline - about a Congressman who singlehandedly organizes the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and thereby brings about American victory in the Cold War - is not really more incredible than any National Treasure or Die Hard storyline. But it's not better, either.

Similarly, the script wasn't outstanding, but it delivered the storyline and delivered it well: fast-paced, with great action, great dialog, cool humor, and plenty of alcohol and sex.

The cast - especially Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, and Philip Seymour Hoffman - was stellar. These, and all supporting actors and actresses, turned in good, competent performances: nothing more, but nothing less, either.

Cinematography was solid and competent, again, no more, and no less.

All in all, I'd recommend this movie to anyone who would like a good, quick geopolitical flick with lots of action and humor. Think of National Treasure: Afghanistan or James Bond in the US Capitol and you'll have an idea of what to expect. Not bad ... but not all that good either ...
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