Red to Kill (1994)
A decent little rape/revenge flick from our friends in Hong Kong.
4 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, in the first 6 minutes, we have a necro rape and a mother/son commit suicide/homicide. Not a bad start, eh?

Anyhow, this story involves a brutal rapist/killer who has a "thing" for red. While he's not out cavorting, he enjoys running a home for some mentally retarded kids as a true Clark Kent kind of guy. I say that in no small fashion since his nighttime alter ego throws people around like he's Superman. Things turn around sharply when he decides to have a little "hard in a 'tard" that is a resident in his happy home. Man, if I ran his place, I'd have all the girls dress in red. A courtroom drama ensues with expected results. Vengeance then becomes the name of the game and a grisly, fun time it is.

This film has some "roughiness", a bit of gore and some pretty decent acting (especially when the bespectacled primary lets us see his alter ego while playing "Clark"). It is a single "X" affair, but fairly graphic all the same (with decent makeup effects to go along). Definitely recommended stuff.

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