Treasure Hunt (1982–1989)
Behind the scenes info
29 January 2008
I was serving on HMS BOXER when Anneka had to get the clue from our Captain (series five episode 4 aired on 5 Mar 1987).

We had run through the practice the day before with the producer acting as Anneka as they worked through the routine.

On the day Keith couldn't land on the flight deck of HMS Boxer (we conveniently had a 'keep-fit' class taking place) so had to land on the deck of (again conveniently placed) HMS Nottingham.

Anneka, Graham & Frank jump out of the helicopter and run up the side of Nottingham to the foc's'le where (conveniently !!) a 'light jackstay' was rigged up - Anneka was quickly fitted with a harness, hooked onto the 'traveller' and then hoisted up into the air and pulled across to the bows of HMS Boxer.

To get to the bridge and meet the Captain, Anneka had to climb a vertical ladder.

"Ooh - someone has got their hand on my bottom", said Anneka, as she was given a 'helping hand' up the ladder by the Chief Bosuns Mate. What she was unaware of though was that he had a strategically placed 'zap-sticker' (the ships crest) in his hand and it stuck nicely to her jump-suit).

I get seen briefly on the TV footage, taking a photo from the door to the bridge as Anneka approaches to get the clue from the Captain.

STOP THE CLOCK yelled Wincey...

During the 'commercial break' there was a half hour pause while the two ships 'Broke-away', our flight deck was cleared and Keith transferred Frank and Graham across to HMS Boxer.

When the clock was started again Anneka read out the clue & returned to the helicopter. As she did Graham did a fantastic zoom shot of the ships crest zap sticker on Anneka's backside.

That evening we were anchored in the Solent for a period watching a spectacular lightning storm further along the coast as stores were transferred to us from Portsmouth. Later that night we sailed off to Portugal & Madeira.
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