Whoever wins...we lose...again
2 February 2008
When Paul W.S Anderson's atrocity that was AvP ended, it left us with the not so subtle hint of a possible sequel. Written by Shane Salerno, (unaccredited writer in the first one) the story tells how the little Predalien from AvP has all grown up, kills the crew of the Predator ship, causing it to crash in small town. The last surviving Predator launches a distress signal that alerts experienced hunter Wolf (names after Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction…seriously) who comes to earth to cover up the mess. He does this with the help of a blue liquid that evaporates what it touches, but you don't need a lot of it. Throw in some dull stereotypes (good guy with dark past, hot girl, bully) with about as much depth as a piece of paper and your on your way to the worst film ever. However that's irrelevant right? It's about the fight between two of the most fearsome creatures ever put to film. Unfortunately this is done so atrociously, it almost (but not quite) appreciate Anderson's effort. The lighting is shambolic, clouding everything in darkness you actually think that there may be something wrong with the film. Also, it's very clear that directors The Brothers Strause favour the Predator. Wolf is the ultimate warrior, tooled up to the max, taking on an army of Aliens. Which is fine in itself but this isn't a Predator film, though you may think that 's Predator propaganda with how badly handled the Aliens are. They're a far cry from the fearsome creatures presented to us by Scott or Cameron. Instead we get the true meaning of the term cannon fodder. Add in plot holes such as changes in acid blood concentration depending on how important the character is and their inability to leave the town. A homage is a good thing however when half you film is made out of it, it looks pretty silly. Constantly using shots from other films is not homage, it's lazy. Then we're left with a pretty lacklustre ending, that offers nothing but a reminder that, again, the fans of both franchises have been shafted once again by Fox. If you must insist on making these films, will you please hire someone with talent?
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