Review of 300

300 (2006)
A Visual Delicatessen For The Senses.
23 February 2008
The frase "best movie I've ever seen" is tossed around a lot and even (it seems) in cases when the movie's been merely cool. Well, when I say it, I mean it.. 300 is literally one of the most breathtaking, magnificent and *best* films I've seen in my life.

Every frame could be printed out and hung on a wall as a painting. It really is that beautiful. In some other films where the visuals are breathtaking, the story usually falls flat or is just non-existent, case in point The Cell. The Cell is visually almost at the same par as 300 (yes, there isn't as much CG, but the smooth camera work finishes the touch), but at it's core, it's just not as interesting. And enough about JLo. The characters in this film are interesting and perfectly cast. Dominic West.. who would've though?

The final nail on the coffin of this instant classic is the director himself, Zack Snyder. The man is the most uncompromising and talented artist behind the camera since.. since.. Spielberg. Great things can (and SHOULD) be expected from him in the years to come. If this achievement isn't enough to impress you, just think about this.. he managed to turn a zombie movie into one of 2004's best pictures. And it was even a remake, for God's sake!

***** / *****
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