The Joylessness of Sex
23 March 2008
Written and directed by two women who apparently don't have a clue about sexuality (especially male sexuality), this embarrassing attempt at erotic honesty is neither erotic nor honest. It all comes off like a bad Lifetime TV movie, with clichéd situations, terrible dialogue, and some of the lamest sex scenes I've ever seen. Which is a shame, because the premise has great potential and the subject deserves better. I realize a lot of people have trouble talking about sex, but focusing on inarticulate, stifled characters makes for bad TV. Why don't these people talk? I mean, REALLY TALK about sex? The series' creators are obviously afraid to get down and dirty, to dive into the nitty-gritty details of all-too-common issues like monogamy, masturbation, menstruation, orgasms, the differences between male and female sexuality, etc. Instead of honesty, depth or insight, they give us unconvincing tidbits of pathetic pop psychology straight out of "Oprah." For a show about human sexuality, it feels awfully uptight, politely politicized, and downright Victorian. I think they could have used a male writer to balance out the feminized perspective, or simply had the balls to address their subjects head-on. (No pun intended.) As for the sex scenes, I can't help but wonder if the actors have ever actually had sex before. It's that awkward and stiff. (Again, no pun intended.) All in all, this series is a big disappointment: simplistic, boring, and a missed opportunity to address America's complex love-shame relationship with sex.
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