Spoiler alert: Terrible message terrible movie
27 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I saw this movie at the tribeca film festival and came face to face with the director as I tried to get the hell out of there. I wish I could have said this to him now.

the guy must have a vendetta against the female race or something because the young (18 years old!!!) female lead Reina seems to be everything he wants you to hate about women. She is a cock tease, she uses her sexuality to get men to do things for her (quel horreur!), she cares about only one thing, coming to America to find her drug addicted mess of a mother and have a better life. Throughout the movies, she is robbed, raped, crosses the rio grande, is stuffed in a hollowed out tree stump and abandoned by her boyfriend in a skanky hostel in brooklyn. She is such a pathetic figure in the end of the movie, how could anyone possibly look this young messed up mother of an infant, prostitute and caretaker of a indigent mother in the eye and tell her to kill herself? well, thats what the director/writer and lead character does. what a mensch.

which leads me to the male "hero". although attractive in the face, he has the personality of Nomie Malone from Showgirls, and I have trouble believing all women fall for his charms. He continually gets himself lost by running around like a person who's never lived in a big city, I have a hard time swallowing that a colombian from medellin is that ignorant of neighborhoods and how to retrace their steps, that city has 3 million people in it. I've met colombians, they seem to do just fine with streets and landmarks, they even know how to drive!!!! They are a sophisticated and street savvy people. Even worse, he often stumbles into NYC landscapes that are right out of 80s movies clichés (trash can fire bums, squatters, s&m, payphones - your movie needs to be updated when it looks like a scene from bonfire of the vanities) This is not NYC, this is NYC circa 1988,

there's so much "ick" factor in this movie, there's even a sex scene with a sleeping grandma in the room. A SLEEPING GRANDMA PEOPLE!! Thats farrelly brothers gross, and not in a good way.

With a plot so similar to Showgirls its spooky, this movie is simply really really really bad.
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