Review of Neo Ned

Neo Ned (2005)
Wow, Wow, Wow!
29 April 2008
Heard of Neo Ned? Not too many have. I, in fact, discovered it last night while I was working the closing shift at the movie theater in my town. As it turns out, the producer of the film is from here and decided to offer a free showing with a Q&A at the end. My opinion: this movie should not have been free. In fact, I wouldn't have minded paying $10.00+ to view it. I would even dare to say that it far surpassed every other film in our theater, and possibly every film that we've had for the last six months. So, to shorten and conclude my rant: It was amazing.

Neo Ned is a story about love, or as a previous audience member mentioned "anti-hate". Ned is a neo-Nazi who grew up in an array of torn homes and who witnessed his father's arrest, which tore him away from his son for many years. As an adult, he ends up in a psych ward, only to meet a black woman, whom he falls in love with.

This is certainly not your traditional love story. In all actuality, it quite possibly breaks many, if not all, of the rules of tradition. But who really cares? Overall, the writing, directing, and acting were superb. Hollywood: stop giving us your half-baked movies and start putting real movies with real stories in our theaters. Neo Ned would be a great way to start.
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