Michael Keaton in the best performance of 1988
22 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
On the surface, CLEAN AND SOBER is a downright, downbeat film about alcoholism and drug addiction. But if you really stay tuned and pay attention, it is an inspiring story of redemption of a human being that has reached rock bottom, but along the way finds himself and his soul. In this film, Michael Keaton gives the best performance of the year, 1988. It still ticks me off to this day that he wasn't even nominated for Best Actor at the Academy Awards. But the National Society of Film Critics did recognize him as Best Actor that year for this film and BEETLEJUICE, so that is something.

Keaton plays Darryl Poynter, a middle class (back when there was one to speak of) business executive who is deep into alcohol and drugs. One morning, he finds the girl that he hooked up with has overdosed and calls the cops. He is informed to stick around town until the matter is resolved. He has also embezzled money from his company for a business scheme and rather than face what he has done, he checks himself into a rehab clinic (he heard about it over the radio). The clinic would completely 'hide' him and keep his confidence. No one would know he was there or how to find him.

Darryl's initial intro to the clinic is rocky to say the least. He immediately antagonizes the clinic's counselor Craig (played by the great Morgan Freeman). Craig knows that Darryl is a con artist and is just using the clinic as a shield. Darryl also has a few shaky run-ins with fellow addict Charlie (played by Kathy Baker in another Oscar-worthy performance in this film). During his time at the clinic, Darryl gets to meet with a sponsor Richard (played by the great character actor M. Emmett Walsh). Slowly but surely Richard helps Darryl to see that he is indeed an addict and needs help, and the main source of help needs to come from within himself.

I recall seeing this film when it first came to video and then cable back in the late 80s and I must have watched it repeatedly at least a dozen or so times around then and have had the privilege of seeing it a few times since. It is surprisingly watchable and not as downbeat as it appears. It is realistic without being sentimental, sappy, or overly emotional. Every moment is believable and every character is authentic, even the most minute ones. And Keaton is just plain remarkable. I can't wait to see it again. This is easily the performance that Michael Keaton should always be remembered for and associated with.

And it is a film that anyone who has ever felt like their life was in turmoil and there was no hope should watch and learn from. With a great lead performance, strong supporting ones, a solid script, and a finely tuned story, CLEAN AND SOBER may be the best film ever about such a sad, important subject.
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