Kounterfeit (1996 Video)
Not so Special K
17 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I wonder what dimwit came up with the idea of mis-spelling the title of their film, probably in the mistaken belief that it added an aura of cool to their otherwise ordinary product? Perhaps it was the makers of this routine effort. If it wa$ 3hey've got a lot to 4n5w3r 4or.

This is one of those genre types where the good bad guy locks horns with the bad good guys for ill-gotten gains which none of them deserve. The 'hero' here is Bruce Payne, a lower-league action figure with a blonde pony tail and a paunch whose bad make up job is shown to bad effect in too many scenes. He plays a reformed villain who isn't so reformed that he isn't prepared to dip his toes back in the water for the sake of a four million dollar pay-off. His ditzy pal has stumbled upon a horde of counterfeit dollars and, not having the street-smarts to convert it into real cash, he turns to our man Bruce to do the deed for him. Of course the deal goes wrong and Bruce and his pal find themselves pursued by both cops and robbers as they endeavour to disentangle themselves from the mess they've created.

The plot line sounds a lot more interesting than it really is. Payne is OK, but he's strictly minor league and would be out of his depth in a movie with a decent budget. The biggest flaw – amongst many – in the plot is his friendship with the buffoonish Hopscotch (Andrew Hawkes). In real life, a guy like Frankie would have jettisoned Hopscotch the moment he first misbehaved, but Frankie just shrugs off the fool's stupid behaviour with a patient smile and thoughtful nod of his head. Swank wasn't a big star when this was made, but she is clearly the best thing about this film, although her boyish figure makes it difficult for her to be convincing as a would-be undercover pole dancer.

This is one of those films that exists only so that you and a mate can rip it apart over a couple of beers.
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