The movie of the year
1 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since i saw batman begins i was waiting in anticipation for this movie. I was very interested to see how they would revamp the batman franchise. They went a very different path from Tim Burton but in my a opinion represents the comic book better. This is the best comic booked based film ever, and is the best movie so far in 2008. The opening scene where the Joker robs the mob bank go me hooked right away. The film progresses steadily, and their is never a dull moment. Heath Ledger really steals the show and should be considered for an Oscar as many people are saying. Christan Bale is good as batman again and Maggie Gilenhall is a much better actress than Katie Holmes. And Aaron Eckhart is great as two face. I have heard a few rumors that cat woman will be in the next film, their was a hint in the movie!! The only complaints i have heard about this movie was that it was a little to long. I don't know what could have been cut, everything in the movie was necessary. Although i think it could have been split into two movies with the Joker featured in this one and at the end start two face and then in the second one they could have showed two face get corrupted. But thats just being nit picky i love this film. I have seen it twice and probably will see it more than that.
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