A beautifully dark tale and my favourite short film!
5 August 2008
Prior to starting to make a short film of my own, shorts had never been my thing. I felt they were too....well........short to have any potential. Looking for inspiration for my own upcoming short film, I began to scan YouTube for scary short films with the atmosphere I wanted for my film, and I found this! This must be my favourite short film I've yet watched! I have a thing for dark movies (which I divide into three groups - Gothic, neo-noir, and twisted). This was twisted with a side dish of Gothic! I loved the atmosphere. Plus the whole story had a "campfire storytelling" style. I can't say what it's about because the twist ending is so surprising! (I love twist endings). If you love films like this, I recommend this one all the way! It's only three minutes long, but it squeezes all the magnificence it needs into that timeframe.

Good: Acting was good (although the movie didn't really require much from the actors); animation sequence (although it was puppet animation); surprise ending (I love those).

Bad: It should have been longer to flourish it's beauty! Overall: [10/10] It was a beautiful, dark, surreal short film.
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