Rape Worm and the Man who Karate Chops his own arm off can't save this Boring Flick.
8 August 2008
Galaxy of Terrors is basically now known as the "Girl gets Raped by a Worm" movie. And that certainly fits the bill. Because this movie is entirely forgettable. Well, the scene where a guy karate chops off his own arm is pretty cool, but besides that, get ready for a completely average scifi/horror flick.

Story revolves around a rescue mission going terribly wrong when people mysteriously start dying off. That's it.

The story or idea behind the flick ain't bad. But with such crap writing and such carefree characters, it's just a lot of waiting around for the next death scene to occur. Thankfully the death scenes are kinda cool. But death scenes can't carry a movie. Just ask the Final Destination series.

For myself, this was a huge disappointment. I was expecting some great 80s crap. But it turned out just to be kinda crappy. No laughs, the rape scene wasn't very rapish (truthfully I don't even know how she died), not enough use of Haig, awful characters, and it took itself too serious. Which you would think would deliver a couple cheese chuckles. Nope, the flick was just a mediocre flick that didn't do anything particularly right. Well, I don't wanna be too mean. The atmosphere was thick and effective, and the make-up effects were alright. There, that's it.

Check it out if you enjoy bad SciFi/Horror, cause there is a following for this flick. But damn, those people must be easily entertained cause this flick was a stinkin bore.
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