Tons o' mindless fun for the whole family...
3 October 2008
Yeah, the most common complaint you hear about AFV is the 'artistic merit' of the show, but who cares -- it's funny. Obviously, it's not funny in a cerebral or enlightening way, it just makes you feel GOOD.

I rediscovered this show thanks to KDOC (Orange County) reruns five nights a week, and I'm impressed with how the show is still funny all these years later. C'mon, everybody knows that Bob Saget's jokes were cringe-worthy even back in the day, and Tom Bergeron's antics fare only slightly better. Yet the main draw of the show isn't the host -- it's the videos themselves. That's why AFV is still getting ratings 19 seasons later. AFV (and COPS as well) has a dynamite formula -- it presents content that reflects people from all walks of life, rich, poor, educated or not, and offers a show that anybody can relate to. It is a show for all of us, no matter where we came from or what we believe.

I've heard people on the boards complain about how stupid the show is and how the producers pay ABC to air the show, rah bah, bah. But here's the deal, the politics behind the show are irrelevant to the enjoyment it provides to its audience. Let's be reasonable, who in their right mind would expect a program called AMERICA'S FUNNIEST (HOME) VIDEOS to be thought provoking anyhow?

So sit back, grab a snack, and the enjoy corny atmosphere of the show, 'cause with AFV, the one thing you can count on is plenty good 'ol fashioned American Cheesy Goodness!!!
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