"Old Acquaintance" Feels Old Hat
9 December 2008
I didn't much like this Bette Davis women's picture from 1943.

It starts out promisingly enough, with Davis as a successful writer paying a visit to childhood friend Miriam Hopkins. Always competitive, Hopkins decides she wants to be a writer too, and finds tremendous success writing popular entertainments while Davis struggles to find an audience for her more artistic endeavors. If the film had continued to examine the relationship between these two artist friends, it might have been engaging. However, it instead goes off on a bunch of standard-issue romantic tangents, all of it the stuff of dull soap opera, none of it very interesting, that feels like a hundred other movies you've seen before from the same time period.

Davis gives one of her best performances up to a point, until the material abandons her. The less said about Hopkins' hysterically unfunny performance, the better.

Grade: C
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