Despereaux tallies 8231 at next Rodent Olympics
21 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What does THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX tell us about the next Rodent Olympics decathlon? We learn that "Des" (most of the other letters are silent, anyway) is really short--even for a mouse. With his cure, I think Timothy from the SECRET OF NIMH takes the 100 centimeters with his longer legs. Though Des manages a long jump DOWN into the rat pit, I foresee Remy from RATATOUILLE winning the HORIZONTAL long jump paws down. However, seeing Des hopscotching across the cheese baits on the mousetrap gauntlet into the king's chambers tells me he pulls off the high jump. MIGHTY MOUSE captures the shot put (and later the discus), but I project AN AMER!CAN TAIL's Fievel Mousekewitz out-kicking him by a nose in the 400 centimeters. Des is not at his best in crowd scenes, such as his first trip into Rat Stadium. Therefore, WILLARD will lead the pack in the high hurdles. After the discus comes the two Joe Cool events (pole vault and javelin). Des is a "gentleman," not a cool cat, so FLUSHED AWAY's Roddy and STUART LITTLE will prevail with the shafts. Last comes the 1500 centimeters. Des seems to keep plugging away no matter what, so he may cop a second event here, outlasting grandpa MICKEY MOUSE.
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