All Done for $3000 - WOW
26 January 2009

for $3000, you made a very impressive movie...

How you did it, I don't know...but that is talent.

Yes there were some flaws, not in storyline but in overall production, but on something of this caliber, that is easily overlooked.

For most part, actors had no prior film experience...and while it showed abit, is still better than any movies I've seen made in the multi-millions.

Your true talent shines...and I look forward to seeing other films by you.

I realize that this is not on DVD, but only online due to legal matters, but having a feature film on DVD should be seriously considered.

I tend to spend that amount of money in one weekend without hesitation...but you know how to really work with it.

I should be investing in your company, as you guys really have the skills that so many Hollywood writers, actors, producers, directors and crew lack.

The only parts in this movie that really didn't fit - was the bar fight scene and the odd cursing - that was really out of place along with the MILF comment.

Aside all, your special FX, costumes, score, camera work and editing were pretty damn good.

As from your resumes, most of your work comes from self produced films, it's time to breakout into a higher budget and have your work shown across the public.

I don't know how many movies I've watched where I was so unimpressed - they had major "stars", big money and all the tools available - backed up by a major production company and they still came out with something that I would not rate above a 3.

You guys have what it takes and lets hope that you never lose it.

I can only imagine what you all could do with a 20 million plus budget...

Good luck, great job and keep them rolling.

I gave this a 9 because of all the effort combined with the ability to work with such a small budget and complete something worth viewing. While this is not at the top of my favorites, it does show plenty of promise and a well done job.

The song at the closing credits fit totally.
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