Too much action and not enough plot in a get the treasure map race across Asia
22 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Korean western set in 1930's Manchuria. The plot basically goes like this a Japanese official sends a treasure map off to one of his agents in China. He also sends a hired killer (the Bad) after the agent to steal the map so that he can get paid and keep the map. Unfortunately the map is stolen when a bandit (the weird) robs the train. Meanwhile a bounty hunter (the good) gets caught up in the mix.(I'd try to explain more but it would reveal too much and take up too much time.) Nominal homage to the Clint Eastwood/Sergio Leone films, this is a huge epic film that never stops moving. Its one long chase as the three leads dance around each other as well have to contend with Chinese and Russian Bandits, the Japanese, and other interested parties. The film just goes and goes and goes as the revelations come fast a furious. And its all done to a catchy flamenco score.

The problem for me is that the plot, for as convoluted as it gets, is much too threadbare to sustain so much motion. The plot is basically get the map while we learn a bit about the characters, but not so much that the never ending chase and blood bath is really allowed to pause. It has enough motion for easily fifteen other films. In all honesty I looked at the clock at one point and was shocked that the film wasn't even half over. I was exhausted. To put it another way the problem is that the film pretty much is form over content and had the film not spun out so many bits that go really nowhere I wouldn't have minded the frenetic pace, but as it stands now the film seems to be promising more of a pay off then it gives us. I was going "is that it?" at the end. (I do understand the map is purely an excuse for the action, the MacGuffin of this film, but at the same time the film shades in details that are never finished) This isn't to say that film isn't spectacular. The set pieces are great and the action is amazing, the opening train sequence is one of the best train sequences on film. The film was filmed to beautifully use the wide screen so the idea that this is going to be seen on a small TV is frightening (and don't even mention pan and scan). You really need to see this as big as possible to really enjoy it.

I like the film, I don't love it. I can recommend the film, but at the same time I wish it was better. If you can get past the plot problems and just concentrate on the action you're going to have a great time.

Between 6 and 7 out of 10
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