The Oblongs (2001–2002)
Depraved...and is that so bad?!
1 March 2009
THE OBLONGS is a short-lived cartoon about a family that lives in the vacinity of a toxic waste dump. As a result, they and their friends are all genetic mutants--ranging from the limbless father, the drunken and bald mother and their freakish children. Their adventures are all rather sick and disturbing--making it a show that is like THE SIMPSONS as written by Hieronymous Bosch!

This is a cartoon that you'll probably either love or hate. Those who hate it complain that the show is depraved, as it makes fun of genetic freaks and horrible parenting. Those who love it think the show was wonderful exactly because it makes fun of genetic freaks and horrible parenting!! If you have a dark sense of humor and don't mind that others look at you in disbelief that you like this sort of show, then give it a try. Just understand that MOST people don't like this sort of sick humor and they only made 13 episodes. And, no matter how much you hope and pray, they won't be making any more.
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