I just don't get it.
9 March 2009
TBL is not a terrible movie, but I apparently just don't get it. My lady-friend's daughter is always telling her that she should see TBL in order to understand some of the "in-humor" and comments of her generation. I kept telling my friend that I really didn't think that the movie would be what she expected, but we watched it together anyway. (I had already seen it a couple times.) My friend was flabbergasted, as she couldn't identify any phrases, humorous scenes, or references that she had ever heard or seen her daughter's group use. She didn't like the movie, either, and was actually checking to make sure that it was the same movie her daughter had recommended.

I feel the same way. Frankly, this movie is boring and pretentious. I love most of the Coens' work, but not this film. It goes into a category, along with "Young Frankenstein", of movies about which other people make a fuss and I just don't get. Maybe I'm slow.

Anyway, if your idea of fun is watching a laid-back dude drink White Russians and a lot of unnecessary one-dimensional characters get layered on, go ahead. It's just not my cup of tea.
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