Baby Blues (2008 Video)
Good movie, could have been better
21 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was good, but it could have been so much better. It could have been the SCARRIEST MOVIE EVER!!! What could be scarier than your own mother loosing her mind & coming after you to kill you & brothers & sisters. The film was shot well & the acting was good (the mothers acting was VERY good) The filmmakers did a good job of keeping me on the edge of my seat, but I do think they fell short in couple of areas. The mother's transition into madness was not done well. They should have spent more time letting us get to know her, (though I did like talking in the mirror ala Travis Bickel in Taxie Driver) The other thing that DROVE ME CRAZY was the children's lack of reaction to deaths of the their siblings!! If you see your brother or sister killed by your mother, you would not only be scarred, but HORRIFIED!! The filmmakers also did not give us chance to feel the lose of children we had gotten to know. When each one was killed, we just moved on to the chase, like a tired Friday The 13th sequel. But despite it's short comings, I was still on the edge of my seat throughout last half of the movie. It's definitely worth checking out.
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