Virgin Witch (1971)
More talk than action
22 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The main problem with this movie is that it doesn't show you, it tells you. Characters explain everything, so no one has to actually do much to move the story along.

It's about a pretty young girl and her twin sister spending a weekend at a country estate and entering the world of witchcraft, but as other posts have pointed out, you don't really see much magic. At the very end, the main character suddenly starts using her powers, but this is mainly just shown with a close-up on her eyes. The only weird, exploitive occult image is a pagan ritual which, since it was their only idea, is shown twice.

It ends with the young girl who just discovered her powers eliminating the lead witch from the coven to presumably take control. That seems like a fine enough idea, but the build-up was just too mild. Very English, very relaxed. In one scene, they soothingly discuss last night's virgin sacrifice ritual over morning coffee. When the leader of the coven asks the recently deflowered inductee, "Will you pour for me?" (referring to the pot of coffee), it really hits home just how effete this group is. It's not what you want from characters in a horror/thriller.
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