The only reason I made it through this is to try to understand those who like it
11 May 2009
Every genre has to be judged by its own standards. To be good, a drama film should be interesting, a mystery film should be mysterious and surprising, a musical should have good songs, a horror film should be frightening, and more to the point here, a comedy should be funny. There. I said it. A comedy should at some point have some joke that is in some way amusing. This seems to me to be a pretty solid and logical test of quality. And going by it, Some Like it Hot is not a good movie. In fact, it's an utterly terrible movie. Don't accuse me of being unable to deal with subtle humor; I can. P.G. Wodehouse and Henry Fielding are subtle, and I really like them. This isn't subtle. This is really in your face and painfully, dreadfully unfunny. There seriously isn't one joke in this that isn't massively predictable and totally unamusing. And as for the acting? They're not brilliant performances. They're really, really annoying, and it made me happy when all three of the main characters just stopped talking. This is a comedy, and a comedy is supposed to be funny. This isn't funny, and so it's a catastrophic failure. I suppose I'm happy for those of you as can find something to enjoy here, but I really don't get what it is.
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