A Nero Wolfe Mystery (2001–2002)
High Camp
18 July 2009
Some idiot decided this would play better as high camp, a la Batman, rather than as a serious mystery series. I read one or two of the books, and there is nothing of that sort in them, that I remember. The 2 central actors are downright awful, strictly 2-dimensional caricatures. I would much rather have seen Victor Buono or even Raymond Burr take on the role. At least they would have given Wolfe some depth. The few episodes of this I watched were badly directed...by Mr. Hutton, and impossible to follow. Everyone was overacting so badly, you couldn't make sense of what anyone was saying. I much prefer the Thayer David TV-movie. At least he had some depth of character and didn't overact the way Mr. Chaykin does. A waste of time. Don't bother watching this, especially if you're a fan of good mysteries.
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