Lovely to Look At
17 August 2009
Gorgeous cinematography of China, an excellent cast and performances are the stars of "The Painted Veil," a 2006 version of a Somerset Maugham story. The film concerns an unhappily married couple, Kitty and Walter Fane (Naomi Watts and Edward Norton). He's a doctor, and in love with her, but she only married him to get away from her domineering mother. She drifts into an affair with another man (Liev Schreiber). When her husband finds out, he blackmails her into going to a cholera-ridden area, where he plans to help fight the disease. She has no choice - it's either that or have her paramour named in a divorce case.

Now totally detesting her, Walter gets her into the area going the toughest, most tortuous route and most probably hopes she gets cholera and dies. She doesn't, but she becomes bored and volunteers to help the nuns, led by the Mother Superior (Diana Rigg). Along the way, she finds out what people think of her husband and grows to admire him.

Somerset Maugham is never easy to film. This isn't the kind of movie that goes down well with many types of audiences today - it's slow-moving without a lot of action. However, I liked it. The performances all around are excellent, including that of Toby Waddington, who plays a neighbor, and Schreiber, as the ex-lover. Watts and Norton create believable characters. For me both actors are underrated and prove again that they are capable of astonishing performances.

Worth seeing for sure.
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