Worth the while because of it's witty dialogue and refreshing photography.
24 August 2009
"Conversations with Other Women" is a surprisingly bold and irreverent film about the turns a relationship based on love can take. Director Hans Canosa's independent romantic comedy is quite interesting and provides us with a fresh and witty new look at the way romance may be presented in independent cinema.

It's about a man (Aaron Eckhart) and a woman (Helena Bonham Carter) who meet during a wedding reception and strike an witty, interesting conversation which no doubt will lead them into scoring for the night. These seemingly strangers, we learn afterwards, actually know each other fairly well, and through various flashbacks and the ensuing conversation (which last the entire duration of the film) we learn about their relationship and what happened previously in their lives.

It's a common enough story, without anything new for us to reflect or marvel upon, but the incredibly engrossing dialogue saves it from being a boring, seen-it-before romance. Also, the film is presented almost in its totality in split-screen, with the man and the woman in their respective sides of the screen or with their faces and points of view represented therein, therefore giving the viewer a dual sense of understanding that, frankly, freshens up cinematography as we've come to experience it nowadays.

The film is touching and unconventionally romantic, showing us how the decisions you take and the past you've chosen either to forget or to base your future upon affects your present ones.

While it isn't a film which will become an absolute independent classic, or a film which may be remembered for a long while to come, it is worthwhile if you're looking to be entertained. Also, have I mentioned the dialogue is simply amazing? Together with the unusual photography, it is enough to be worthy of its admittance fee. Watch it as soon as you can.

Rating: 2 and a half stars out of 4!
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