South Park: Dances with Smurfs (2009)
Season 13, Episode 13
The most political show of the thirteenth season is very good and funny, sometimes hilarious, but not really one of the very bests of this amazing season
14 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The season is, sadly, almost over and its penultimate episode is a Cartman episode and is its most political one (maybe only another episode, Fatbeard, comes to mind as a political charged, if not as this one, episode). It has a really strange yet totally hilarious (and quite strong) first scene: we see the boys hearing the morning announcements and everything is quite normal yet a tragedy happens, we all hear how and why someone kills the morning announcements kid (that later on happens to be one of the ginger kids. Sadly, the killer was convinced that the ginger kid was the 40-year-old truck driver from Chicago who slept with his wife!).

The death of the ginger kid lends for the era of Cartman as the morning announcements kid and this lends to the political show: Cartman is one of those who are just asking questions, Wendy is the president, Butters and some other 3rd graders (apparently all of those kids are 3rd graders) are those that will want to begin asking questions, Stan, Kenny and Kyle are part of those that just can't believe the level of stupidity and don't give a crap about the stuff that's going on (but certainly Stan cares about the president) and the smurfs are those that apparently the president wants to destroy for the benefit of the school.

And what's going on? Well, really not that much since is only Cartman taking advantage of the fact that he has a microphone and everybody has to listen to him (yet at one point everybody will have to watch him on a screen) and saying lots of senseless stuff (yet hilarious stuff!) about the president Wendy (he even writes a book!) like "the president is a slut that is taking our school to a socialist regime". But wait, I guess you're wondering why we have f****** smurfs here! Yes, having the smurfs is pretty darn bizarre and funny but the whole thing is pretty clever: we have Cartman saying, after finding out through the most stupid logic you can imagine, that the president Wendy hates the smurfs. The smurfs are real for Butters and the other Cartman's followers so they believe everything of Cartman's very own interpretation of Dances with Wolves but the president will go on with the game and the smurfs will be also real for her. And once Wendy is on the game there are doubts towards Cartman (and a new James Cameron movie!), but still Wendy will give up. What happens when Cartman becomes president? Well, he can't do s*** but just try to deal with those who constantly do what he used to do when he was the "voice".

It's a terrific episode that is just behind the very best episodes of this season. Just Cartman saying "school" makes this worth watching stuff!
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