Review of Ninja

Ninja (2009)
14 December 2009
I didn't think they made them like this anymore! This film instantly transported me back to the 80's. To a time when I'd been out on my BMX all day, building tree houses and eating crisp sandwiches, riding through the fields that are now poorly made housing estates and back in time for tea and a dose of ninja action. When plot, script and acting didn't really matter and all you really cared about was: 'How many roundhouses does he do?'

There's an abundance of dumb henchman, all wearing the same get up but who are actually members of a secret cult, controlled by some scary businessman who worships... err, something or other and have the same salute as the Nazis. These guys are loosely involved with the main ninja bad guy who has a nasty scar, ooh nasty.

You've got your Sensai betrayal, high tech ninja sh*t, stupid copper, traditional weaponry, beautiful girl and even a cameo from Batman.

Could this film be any better? Well, yeah it could... a lot actually but, who cares? It's so authentic in its simplicity, it achieves what 1000's of high budget films nowadays lack - watchabilty.
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