Review of Avatar

Avatar (2009)
A Singular Imaginative Instant Classic
19 December 2009
Quick..When was the last time you saw a movie that resonated with you and captured your imagination so viscerally that you could barely wait to see it again? Not sure about you guys, but in this day of cookie cutter, by the numbers, based on a graphic novel/comic book crap, I can honestly say I can't remember a movie that left such an indelible imprint . To say that the film, on a wholly visual level, is breathtaking would be woefully inadequate. I will just add my sentiments to the plethora of other reviewers and say that Avatar is like nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, I have ever seen. From the fully realized, lush and incredibly detailed environment of Pandorum to the incredibly lifelike cgi for the Na'vi humonoid race, all of Cameron's considerable talents as an effects wizrad of the first order are on full display here.

Not since Smeagle in the Lord of the a Rings trilogy have we seen such startlingly lifelike and expressive cgi characters as the Na'vi. And Make no mistake, the Na'vi ARE the undisputed stars of this movie! Lithe,graceful,agile and capable of conveying intricate facial expressions and subtle emotions like nothing else ever animated, you'll find yourself almost forgetting about the actual human characters in the movie ( i agree with the critics who complain that they could've been fleshed out more) and savoring every single interaction between the aliens and Jake Sullys avatar. At nearly 3 hours long, Avatar is one of those rare movie going experiences that envelops you in such a way that you lose track of the time. Definitely not a movie that I'd take impatient childen under 8 to go see, but older kids will absolutely marvel at the cinematic acheivemant on display. And thus concludes my MANGUSHING for the year. Glad I saved it for such a film. Now go see it!
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