Home and Away (1988– )
Where Do I begin???
23 January 2010
Lets start off with the line "Im Sorry", yes, this is the most overused line in the whole show. People get thick with each other, say I'm sorry,everything is hunky dory again, and then it all starts again,over,and over,and over,and over again. Second off, the story lines are mind boggling, absolutely, atrocious. Each character in the whole show has to be the most unluckiest person in the world,being cheated on, being accused of murder, get pregnant by someone who eventually leaves town, and then finally death, or just leaves anyway because his/her business contract has expired after 2 years. 1 of these things has happened to at least all the character on the show. And the drinking problem storyline is still there, yup, after 22 years,its still there. And you know what makes me really sick is that each character has to stick their nose in to other peoples business, and the other person gladly tells them everything thats happening in their life, while the other person says "well if there's anything i can do,let me know" if it was me,id tell them to mind their own go damn business. Each person is one and the same. It is so unreal that this programme gets funding. This is the perfect example of bad television, it is juvenile, the female adults are either pure soccer mom stereotypes, or just act like teenagers themselves. Its a disgrace
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