A Warm Mint-Julep of a Flick
2 February 2010
Movies that feature "women-only" themes are few indeed and at any given time we can count their existence on one finger. Hollywood loves reminding us that "it's a man's world, baby" and I would hazard a guess that 95% of current box office offerings are male-centered (That is, male = hero, victim, anti-hero; with a female = smart talking' and lookin' and barely visible unless required to provide booty, tears, or encouragement to - you guessed it, the male!).

So when a movie with a female-centered cast and theme (trivialized by the term "chick flick") is served to us, I watch with a wary eye and a hopeful heart. Why? Because most chick flicks are written, directed, and produced by men...maybe that's why there are so few of them! To the credit of The Divine Secrets of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood, it didn't disappoint my heart or my head.

The Ya-Ya Sisterhood takes the universal theme of mother-daughter conflict and serves it up as refreshingly as a mint julep on a scorching day. Taking place in Louisiana, this movie leads us through a merry romp of friendship and fierce loyalties, stopping along the way to tug at our heart strings and drag out the tissues (don't all good chick flicks?).

The plot centers around a young director (Sandra Bullock) who is estranged from her Old School Southern Belle mother (Ellen Burstyn) and nervous about her upcoming nuptials. Through the "divine" intervention of the Ya-Ya's - a three woman tag-team of family friends - (played by Maggie Smith, Shirley Knight, and Fionnula Flanagan) the daughter is able to heal old familial wounds and welcome her new role as daughter, wife (and future mother).

Yet, layered within this beautiful film is three levels of female experience, told through the life of Maiden-Mother-Salty Sage women Burstyn and Ashley Judd. (I'd like to see Judd get a nod at the next award show for this multi-faceted role.) Add to that a funny and tender juxtaposition of the men in their lives (James Garner and Angus MacFadyen) and everyone is sure to get their Ya-Ya's out! Unforgettable in every way!
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