Highlander: The Source (2007 TV Movie)
The curse of the Highlander
21 February 2010
"There can be only one..."

Decent Highlander movie that is. When i saw this used for four bucks at my local second hand DVD shop I thought "what the hell. The TV show was reasonably silly fun. Maybe a movie based on the TV characters wont be as wretched as the other attempts at Highlander sequels." Well, the writing on the TV show was War and Peace compared to this claptrap.

The dialog wander the gamut between stupid and painful. At least the Kurgan had a reason for mouthing some modern slang-- he had actually lived through all time. But this "newly awakened ancient guardian" just sounds forced when he makes pop culture references. And the self- referential nonsense of singing a snatch of quoting one of the Queen songs from the original Highlander does nothing but remind everyone in the audience that this script was just too dumb for even its own writer to take it seriously.

The original Highlander still stands as a brilliant, best of breed B movie. This crud wouldn't even make the grade as a made for TV special.

Oh and the sudden shift at the end of the movie from location shooting to a set that would have made Chuck Jones proud didn't help any, either.

But the worst thing of all is, its a tease that never delivers. "The Source" and its connection to human history and the Immortals is never explained.

All in all, you'ld have more fun in the bath for 90 min then watching this movie.
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