Mutants (2009)
La course du moulin.
6 March 2010
So, I think that line above means, "Run of the mill" in french. As this film is exactly that. It's a nice heaping pile of been there done that unfortunately doesn't really excel in any one area that a truly satisfying horror film should.

Mutants starts promisingly enough with a nice bloody car crash, and then a nice bloody fire-fight with some nice bloody results. Then the survivors go to this hospital where there is more scenes of bloody stuff. And then there's some more shmucks getting in on the action...blood. But to be a bit more precise, there's a cannibalistic infection on the loose, and it's transferable by, you guessed it, blood. A bite does the trick. Anyways, we have a heroine as our lead, and a bunch of carefree characters causing trouble, and of course we have our incredibly Ork-like mutants running, growling and drooling (blood) all over the damn place. That's basically it.

I like zombie/infected/rabid mutant type flicks, I really do. But I also like them to be...what's the word? Fun? Yeah, that fits...but that's not the word. Scary? That's good too, but that ain't it. Hmmm...entertaining? Yeah, that's good. Entertaining. This movie wasn't very entertaining. With a strange combination of using quick cuts and fast pacing during the action, and slow plodding shots during any other scene, it's comes off a The action scenes, like I said, were bloody, and that's basically all this movie has going for it. As the emotional factor was barely there, and what was there was cliché.

On the plus side, it's got some nice production values. The blood looks great, the Ork-like mutants are solid, the camera is crisp, the scenery is beautiful, blah blah blah! Combine all those nice things with a bloody mutant flick with a decent amount of bullets flying around, and you got yourself a seemingly cool sounding movie. But with so many of these films out there, there's gotta be some sort of hierarchy. Unfortunately for us, it doesn't rank that high on the list.

If you're expecting anything but a nice lil infected film, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. This does not become another solid French outing, but instead jumps into the pile of pigs whose snorts sound like they're saying 'you almost had something there, buddy'.....yep.
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