Mel Gibson Gets in Touch with His Feminine Side
25 April 2010
After a blow-drier lands in his bathtub, promiscuous "man's man" executive Mel Gibson (as Nick Marshall) develops the power to read women's minds. A chauvinist by nature, Mr. Gibson decides to use his power to steal business ideas from successful competing female executive Helen Hunt (as Darcy Maguire). You don't have to be Freud to figure out what happens to Gibson and Ms. Hunt.

Though tame and predictable, "What Women Want" benefits from good production values and features a strong supporting cast, in showcase-written roles. Director Nancy Meyers and box office favorite Gibson handle several comic scenes amusingly well. There really isn't much revealed about women's secret thoughts. They want to look nice and have good sex, but seem more complicated.

****** What Women Want (12/13/00) Nancy Meyers ~ Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt, Ashley Johnson, Marisa Tomei
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