Lloyd in Space (2001–2004)
Man how I miss this show...
24 May 2010
I don't think it was the best animated show ever, as it is occasionally clichéd and formulaic, but I still liked it for its really good and interesting concept. The animation was nice and colourful, with stunning galactic backgrounds, interesting character features and I loved how Lloyd's house was animated. The music was a nice touch as well, the main theme is still memorable for me. The story lines were occasionally formulaic I agree, but they were also original and creative, and the writing was funny and smart. The characters were somewhat clichéd, Brittany's bratty sister persona is not exactly familiar territory, but I liked the character still for her looks and personality. And Lloyd is an appealing title character, so is Eddie. Also the voice acting was dynamic and top-notch. Overall, I really liked this show. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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