F**k you, ball-buster!
25 May 2010
Okay, we have zombies, punk rockers, a punk rock soundtrack, violence, gore, nudity, one-liners, comedy, great special effects, gratuitous profanity, an old creepy/shady mortician, an old cool caddy, brains, cheesy acting(where needed), dissected dogs, three sweet settings, and an awesome plot...BOOM! What else do you need? This movie has been one of my favorites for the past 25 years. This is by far one of the most entertaining movies I have ever seen. Hilarious when it needs to be and sadistically chilling when the plot calls for it. This movie will be remembered for years to come. A definite cult classic. If you have never watched this movie then you are depraving yourself. Watch this movie...again and again!
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