For fans of classic Davis/Crawford/Turner/Sirk films
20 June 2010
Charles Busch has a cult following in New York City, as he's known for his hilarious plays. A few years ago, he broke into the mainstream with the Broadway hit, Tale of the Allergist's Wife, and now there's even a documentary about him. An immensely talented writer, he knows the classic female legends genre backwards and forwards and can play one with the best of them.

"Die Mommie Die" was originally a Busch play, and the film, albeit low budget, is excellent - actually, all the better because it's low budget. It's a combo of "Dead Ringer," "The Big Cube," "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane," and "Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte." Busch plays Angela Arden, who performed with her twin sister Barbara. Angela broke with Barbara and made it big, while Barbara wound up in broken-down supper clubs. Barbara eventually died. Today Angela, a real tramp, is living the high life with a rich husband, a gay son, a Lolita-type daughter, and a young boyfriend (Jason Priestley).

Busch is hilarious, looking a bit like Kathy Griffin, wearing fabulous clothes and looking darn good.

This film has a gay sensibility, but if you love the old movies it's based on, you should enjoy it. Very high camp.
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