An unusual gem from Hollywood
9 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood has its own language that doesn't exactly mean what you'd expect it to. A "High Concept" movie is a movie whose entire plot can be summarized on one 3x 5 card or a phrase like "Jaws meets Starwars!. Not exactly deep.

This movie is anything BUT high concept. A deeply philosophical movie, for most of the film you may wonder why you are watching it as it seems little more then the depressing portrait of a middle class man in a simultaneously poignant and boring midlife crisis. I didn't know why I was watching this movie until the last line of the film... where suddenly it all became clear.

And that it takes until then means it hits like a ton of bricks and leaves you really thinking.

Really a brilliant movie. How it got a green-light though, is beyond me.
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