Review of Away We Go

Away We Go (2009)
9 July 2010
Maya Rudolph earns this movie a 10!!! I have to say though, I'm not surprised at how brilliant she is. Even on SNL she was the queen of understatement. So many good reviews have been written for this film there's not much to add that hasn't already been stated beautifully. I would only offer this one angle I haven't yet read. I took it that part of their journey was to see old faces and places with their new, about-to-be-parents, eyes. They already knew everyone they interacted with in this film. And yet on this road trip, as soon-to-be-parents, it was as though they were meeting them for the first time. And some of what they encountered was pretty shocking, or funny, or sad, in ways they hadn't picked up on before.

This is a very sweet, kooky, funny, and moving story. Maya Rudolph needs to do a lot more of this kind of work. She is BRILLIANT!!!

Warning: the formula is a little repetitive... But not to the point of diminishing it's qualities. There's a good reason for this. And the pay off at the end justifies every minute you had to wait for it. See this movie. There are few like it, and few as good.
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