Predators (2010)
A filmmakers anticipation: If an action flick isn't dumb, the audience wont understand
12 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just have been in the cinema. I was an IMDb victim. Yeah, because of the (in sum) good reviews. Now i know it was the 'this is different, so i have to praise it in order to get praised' reflex. The difference is to use (one) quality actors.

This movie is bad. Worser than T4. There is not one believable scene and now we come to this argument: believable.

Scifi is meant to be a genre were interesting situations appear. situations, which normally wouldn't happen, like dropping on an alien planet and survive against alien hunters. As long as people react real, it could be very entertaining how they manage to survive and what you, the audience would do. There is no deus ex device in this flick, but it wouldn't make any difference:

  • 8 people staying rooted on the spot shooting with their Gatlings until out of ammo on one wolf like creature with no success - a moment later one shot does it right??

  • They use rotten one liners like "i am ready to die, you too?", "doesn't matter who they are or where there come from, i kill them all"

Dumb scene - dumb dialog... ...and so on alternating until the credits.

Dumb action scenes are NOT interesting, they DO NOT make tension, they are just annoying.

Antal Nimrod took the opposite way what made predator or aliens so great.

Nimrod must think very bad of his audience. He don't want us to think while and after about this movie. Adrien Brodys mission is to talk us from one scene to the next with constant conclusions about the situation which are only knowable if his character 'royce' has the script in his pocket (besides he immediately identified a plasma weapon).

Brody, a known actor of format must have denied reading the script or is quality management not meant to be used by the actors? His role is unbelievable nonstop-nonsense, paired with the batman voice.

The rest are mega-close ups, close combat scenes and jungle.

Some days ago i saw Rambo (first blood) again. Yesterday the original Predator. Action movies with interesting character and/or story are not common these days.

Action filmmakers today get caught by the coolness trap. Just to say its cool doesn't make it cool, more the opposite. A little less polemic in an example: Dutch (Schwarzenegger) and Dillon (Weathers) are Predator original characters. They are always trying to be cynical with a smirk on their face. When things go dangerously wrong, they act like everybody else, but face the situations and don't try to be cool anymore but to survive until the air is cleared. That makes them lifelike and touchable. Royce (Brody) just try to be cool, because the script says so. He doesn't make any facial expressions, nor he makes any interesting character streaks. He is just here. Like any other character in Predators.

In this movie, they (Nimrod and Rodriguez) tell you everything: who is cool, what you have to think, why the character do what they do except of doing it the logical and less dangerous way, but they owe as an explanation why they are allowed to handle millions of dollars for this outcome.

There are some other major problems, like the use of thinkable every possible clichés (fe: Russians wear blue-white striped shirts), the use of archetypes, shaky-cam, and so on... Forget this flick. It is garbage. Or don't believe me and see for yourself but be aware that you subsidize future film projects of this 'format' and nothing will change.
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