A movie gone to pot...
19 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to draw this review out any longer than it needs to be. The bottom line is this: "Humboldt County" is not a good movie. It's a glorified stoner comedy that thinks itself an insightful counterculture coming-of-age drama. And yes, it's as bad as it sounds…

To give a little background here, I saw this movie at a screening in LA. I didn't really know much about the movie before going in and I wasn't expecting much and it's a good thing, too, because it was pretty bad.

Peter Hadley, the main character, has got to be one of the most boring protagonists I've seen on film. I don't know how anyone who isn't a mute is supposed to identify with him. The guy hardly speaks and when he does, it's barely audible. This guy is to whispering what Brando was to mumbling.

The message of the movie, as I see it, is as follows: If your dad's kind of a jerk, drop out of med school and follow some strange chick you just met up to a marijuana farm in northern California, it just might change your life. Oh, brother! Overall, I'd say it's entirely too preachy to simply be called a stoner comedy and entirely too stupid to be considered anything enlightening. I hold absolutely no reservations whatsoever in saying to skip it.
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