Review of The Room

The Room (2003)
Cult Classic
24 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
by mindself

There are a lot of horrendous things in this world. Some of it we can tolerate and some of it is demeaning. But what if it's something we can enjoy and have fun with? What if it's the film The Room?

The film stars Tommy Wiseau, who also directed, written, and is the producer of, and it's about Wiseau character, Johnny, struggle and realization that he's caught up in a love triangle – and that's basically it. Really though, that's basically it. The film has a cult following as being the worst film ever made and you know what? They're right. Not only is it poorly directed, written and produce, it's also poorly thought out. That's the enjoying factor of it though. Like people say, no one goes out and make bad films purposely and I don't think Wiseau was intended to do so but this film is created like film 101.

First off, there's far too many sex scenes. The first four minutes into the film, you get a long and unflattering sex scene that's also very fanciful and amateurish. It makes Showtime channel's softcore porn look first-class. There's about four sex scenes that bares an unattractive woman and an unusual male rear end. Not tantalizing at all. Also during each sex scene there's horrible R&B music that seem to come out of the era of the 90s. This was made in 2003.

The actors seem to do a decent job – no not really, they're horrible too. There are no major stars just the usual up and coming actors and actress trying to make a buck. I mean, I can't act but I know when someone is trying, they seem like they're reading their lines instead of acting it out. I guess that's the joy of it though. Each scene is open when someone enters the room and ends when someone leaves the room. The dialogue comes as being very cliché and awful. Here are excerpts from the film:

Conversation between Johnny (Wiseau) and his best friend Mark (Sestero):

Mark: How was work today? Johnny: Oh pretty good. We got a new client… at the bank. We make a lot of money. Mark: What client? Johnny: I can not tell you, its confidential. Mark: Oh come on. Why not? Johnny: No I can't. Anyway, how is your sex life?

Here's another between Johnny and his 'future wife' Lisa (Danielle):

Lisa: Did you get your promotion? Johnny: Nah. Lisa: You didn't get it, did you.

As you can tell some of the the dialogue is also condescending and cringeworthy. Again, that's the enjoyment of the film. It takes itself too seriously that it's so funny. There's countless unintentional humor in this film. Whether that be the character of the awkward Denny, who I have no idea why he's in the film, to the numerous times of playing catch with a football (you'll see) everything is design as if he wanted to make the worst film of all time. I don't know if he intended to do so, but if it was, then the film would lose it's magic. It's great because it's bad, very bad. I would love to go into great detail but I really want you to watch it. I recommend the film just because it needs to be watch once in your life. You'll probably regret it, but I'm sure you'll have a couple of chuckles.

I had this thesis that this film is a huge metaphor. Lisa is "The Room" and Johnny is the "audience". Go in with that thought and it might blow your mind, literally.

SPOON!!!!! (you'll know what I mean when you watch it)
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