Walker Payne (2006)
Sometimes life takes a wrong turn
12 August 2010
A dark film in search of a faint glimmer of light. A small town womanizer, Walker Payne, who's out of work, must make some tough choices to save his two daughters who adore him. He is estranged from his bitter wife and in hock up to his ears since the local coal mine has shut down. Harsh reality finally catches up with him. Busted dreams and empty pockets, wrong choices and bad luck, fragile hope and heartbreaking desperation. The theme hinges on ethics and sacrifice. This movie is not for children since it does involve a dog fighting plot and there are other intense moments, including a sex scene or two and rough language. It's rated R. A slick gambling promoter shows up ( Satan in a leisure suit ) and wants Walker's beloved pet, a sweet pit bull, to train to fight other dogs for cash across state lines. This is an Indy film so don't expect a Hollywood ending. It didn't do well with audiences and these are the movies I prefer. They push buttons and some people don't like that.
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