A powerful, moving film.
14 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Salles' picture of Brazil is that of a land of conflict in this road movie. The characters in this film are often harsh, and with good reason. Poverty reaches throughout this world, and the consequences of that poverty touch everything and everyone here. Tragedy affects everyone in some way, and the occasional good fortune often is temporary. The rare friendships found here are usually of the "tough love" variety. The primary relationship here, Dora's friendship with young Josué, is a tenuous one initially, based on some sense of mutual obligation but rarely on genuine affection until later in the film. Other relationships, both temporary and permanent, seem largely based on convenience or circumstance.

The environment is quite contradictory. The viewer is presented with noisy urban scenes of dirty, overcrowded trains and images of cramped villages, rife with poverty and desperation. Close shots and numerous indoor scenes create an overall claustrophobic feel while adding focus to the characters themselves. Wide shots of the gorgeous Brazilian countryside are also occasionally included, showing the viewer that all is not dust, grime and desperation. Sadly, these beautiful vistas are ignored by the characters; they have more urgent matters to attend to.

Numerous Christian symbols pervade the movie. It is easy to see the symbolism in Josué's quest to find Jesus (his father), guided by a single mother figure who could potentially represent Mary. However, the roles are often turned upside down, as this "mother" is far from saintly. All the same, the bitter Dora, who often comes across as downright evil, ultimately does the right thing, which is more than can be said for many of the ostensible Christians seen in the film, who eat in front of the obviously hungry, ignore the sick and abandon those in desperate need. There's a lot that can be read from this movie from a religious standpoint, regardless of one's beliefs.

While Montenegro is perfect in her role as Dora, the acting throughout is top-notch. The ending, while heartbreaking, makes perfect sense in context of the characters and situations. This is definitely one worth watching.
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