Puck Hogs (2009)
15 August 2010
I saw this film at the festival and it was just so bad that people walked out. I watch a lot of movies and I have never once walked out of a film but I was so bored and even literally offended by how bad the jokes in this movie were that I almost walked out. I almost walked out of "Threesome" when I was younger at the theatre and then I almost walked out of this movie years later, and the only reason I didn't was I was worried the cast and or crew would be there and I did not want to offend anybody. I found myself looking at my watch thinking the movie must be a half hour in and seeing only eight minutes had passed. The entire audience was pretty quiet through out except for a few forced sounding/polite laughs. The acting was not very good (tho def not terrible) and the big problem was the writing/direction of the film, the jokes were all very bad and predictable and yes the acting could have been better, just seems like a really amateurish production to me.
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