Review of Easy A

Easy A (2010)
Easy A For Effort
2 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Noble effort to make a movie with a questionably helpful message. I did enjoy the movie somewhat, but a few nagging things kept distracting me from really liking the movie. I will attempt to elaborate:

1) Aryan High. This did not look like a public school...more like a junior private college for jocks, models and cheer-leaders. I recommend the next time Hollywood makes a high-school movie with a contemporary setting, they actually GO IN one. The kids in this school did not look, OR ACT like kids in any contemporary public school I've ever seen. The plot may have been more successful in a 1950's setting. Promiscuity is not a major concern in today's public high-schools. And they weren't in the 80's, which is when I went. Either you were having sex or wanting to or thinking about it. No one was decried for having done it, or talking about it, or, for that matter bragging about it. Even girls. Granted, the girls were more discreet. On the contrary though, in today's schools you might just get more cred by claiming to be a virgin...especially if attractive like the main protagonist in this story.

2) Somewhat related to the last topic...if making a high-school movie...make it with kids that at least look like they're in high school. It's ironic and hypocritical that a minor plot-point in this movie is a student that's 21 years old and sleeps with a teacher, when ALL the students look like they're in their early 20's. It's about time the ticket-buying public make an issue out of this. I think it's humorous when watching noir movies today like "Grease" and the actors all look as old as the teachers. I guess today's movie-makers aren't worried about the future "snicker-factor" that might hinder a potential classic, otherwise they'd put more thought into it. I understand the pool of young acting talent is limited...but they are out there. Bust your butt and find 'em. It'll pay off in the long run...and you may just find the next hot star. Oh, and your movie budget might just be more palatable.

3) They hypocritical Christian. If you're going to portray a hypocritical Christian, why not go and meet one? Make the character realistic and believable. I know they're a caricature, but the girl in this movie was portrayed WAY over the top. Really. It kept me from rating this movie higher. I mean, if I was to make a movie with a German, I WOULDN'T give him a swastika arm band and a Hitler mustache...too cliché. Put a little effort into make your characters at least a little realistic.

I know, I know...this is an exceptionally harsh review. I did like the movie and felt bad I couldn't enjoy it more. I thought the message, being comfortable in your own skin, was positive...but done way better with movies like "Napoleon Dynamite". A little thought could've made this movie a much more enjoyable experience.
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