Cairo Time (2009)
Worth Seeing If You Like Art Movies or Travelogues
4 October 2010
The storyline is not bad; a UN Official's wife is stranded alone in Cairo after her husband is called away. Being an attractive woman alone in an exotic setting gets to her. A friendship develops with one of her husband's friends which might turn into something more. Although the movie starts a little slowly, it picks up the pace later. It is one of those sensitive artsy movies, but it isn't in a coma. It's not clinically depressed. (If you've seen a lot of Focus film, you might have a concern about that.) The reviews are not inflated. The cinematography is good. The visuals are enjoyable. The main character stays in an elegant old hotel and floats around in lovely dresses.

The surprise was Cairo. The filmmaker shows us a city that looks like a magic dream. The characters also venture out to a luminous place called the White Desert. The Pyramids also appear. I thought they'd be a tourist trap, but the characters seem to have them to themselves.

I don't recall anything that would upset children or sensitive people. I don't recall nudity, sex or violence. There are some scenes where men follow the main character on the street and harass her. There are a lot of scenes where people smoke hookahs with tobacco in them.

Overall, I'd recommend this movie to people that like art movies or travelogues.
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