Very, very disappointing.
14 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If this represents Brian Fuller's (director of the first few episodes of the series) work, then it was a good thing that he left! This DVD movie is flat and disappointing. It is, at times, illogical (the series had a strict logic to it). For example, if shooting the bad guy through the head doesn't 'kill' him, then why, for heaven's sake does cutting him up with a chain-saw and burning the body do the trick? The plot doesn't seem to know where it is going with result that the viewer loses interest. Dolores Herbig has lost her bubbly enthusiasm, Mason is now hopelessly addled, Daisy's past is no longer believable or relevant and Roxy is now somewhat scary and dangerous! Rube is sorely missed. This is a dumbed-down version of the original series. WHAT A PITY!!
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